

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The grandparents Visit!

My parents came down Tuesday night, the 6th.  I think we were all hoping that baby brother would make his appearance sometime that week.  But we all know that he didn't want to come out on his own.  It was great having them here for the week!  Jim only had 2 days of daycare that week - and got to spend the rest of the week with Grandma & Papa!  I think they all had a great time together!!!!

Friday morning Nanny & Papa came over.  Everyone was very excited for the arrival of their grandson!!  Mark took the day off of work, and took care of some jobs around the yard.  I was ready to be done at work so I could come home and hang out with everyone as well.  We all went to Overwood for dinner - which was very yummy!  Our last night as a family of 3!

Saturday morning we all hung out, before Mark & I took off for the hospital at 11:30.  And that's where the story of Ben all starts. 
I'll leave you with a bunch of pictures from the grandparents visit!!  Pictures are much better than me writing boring stuff, right?
Sharing Papa's apple
Coloring with Papa!!!

We had a busy day - showing Grandma & Papa all my workout moves!!!

Playing ball with Mommy.

Coloring with the Papa's!!!!

Painting with Grandma!!!

Jim is all ready to be a big brother - just a couple more hours!!!

Reading with Aunt Allison & Mom!!!

Now Nanny reads me a story!

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