

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ben's first week...

Can you believe it, Ben is already a week old?!?!  Actually, by the time I post this he will be over a week old!!  We have had a wonderful first week!!!  Everything went very well at the hospital.  All the grandparents were there waiting to meet Ben!!  And then Aunt Allison even got to come up to our room to meet him!  We were all very happy to finally get out of the hospital on Tuesday - and come home to start our lives as a family of 4!!!! 

Aunt Allison was with us the entire week - she came down on Saturday - and we were very sad to see her leave bright and early Monday morning.  It was great having her around - helping out with Jim while we were in the hospital...and then helping out when we came home!  She waited on us, which was wonderful, making sure everything was taken care of, helping with dinner, cleaning up, entertaining Jim, you name it, she did it! 

Ben had his first outing on Thursday.  We had to take him to the Doctor's.  (They like to see newborns 2 days after they leave the hospital just to check on them).  The four of us went, Allison, myself, Jim, and Ben, and the 2 boys were great!  When Ben left the hospital, he was 7 lbs. 15 ozs, so he had lost a pound...But at his appointment, he was up to 8 lbs. 2 ozs. - so that was great to hear!  No need to worry about how I was feeding him. 

Uncle Robbie and Aunt Jenna made their way down here Thursday evening.  And stayed until Sunday.  It was great getting to visit with them.  Jim was in love with Robbie - it was adorable.  He wanted to do whatever Robbie was doing.  Heck at one point, Robbie was sitting at the table eating yogurt, and Jim was holding his applesauce the same exact way that Robbie was.  It was very sad to have to say good-bye to them all. 

Like I had mentioned earlier, Jim has been a great big brother!!  He loves giving Ben kisses...he will help me burp him...he'll give Ben his lion when he's crying...or give him his pacifier...or his name it, he does it.  Let's hope it stays that way!

Ben has been a champ in the sleeping department.  We've lucked out with that with both our boys!!!  Last night he went down between 10-11, and didn't wake up again until 5:00.  I'm sure he could've kept sleeping, but I heard him start to stir, and I was getting full so we both got up so I could feed him.  No complaints here!

I'm going to have to keep up with his weekly / monthly pictures like I did with Jim.  And I'm sure there will be a lot of compression between the two boys, to see if they look alike, are the same size, etc. 
Ben at a week old
Jim at a week old
I have a lot of blog entries to get caught up on.  More so a list for me so I remember everything:

- Jim's visit with Grandma & Papa and Nanny & Papa...

- Hospital pictures...

- Ben's photo shoot

- Family Picture attempt

- Picture's from the first week...

- First bath

- Jim having a blast outside

- Aunt Allison, Uncle Robbie, Aunt Jenna Visit!!

So stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!

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