

Monday, April 30, 2012

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Again, just posting a bunch of pictures.  I take these during the week, and never really get a chance to e-mail them to people.  I figured this is an easier way for everyone to get a peak inside our week / weekend. 

I always love the pictures I get of Jim and Ben together!!  And this one, love that Jim is holding Ben's hand.
I took a coupe of pictures to share with Nana and Papa.  It's always funny to see the outcome of these pictures - especially with Jim, and him not wanting to show the paper message to the camera.  Here are a couple of those shots.

Jim loves his trucks!!!  And he loves to line them all up.  Here he is the other morning lining them up.
Just a close up of Ben -
Jim and his flash cards...
Jim's new favorite toy to play with outside - the hose!!!
Just hanging out after our Sunday afternoon walk -
And finally, a picture of Ben at 7 weeks.  (Actually its 7 weeks + 1 day since I forgot to take the pictures on Saturday...)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just some pictures...

Getting ready to run some errands...
He really likes his middle finger I guess...and I love the look on his face - love the eyes!
Jim decided he wanted to try to pick up Ben - he wasn't that successful though. 
This one cracks me up.  I was trying to get a picture of the two of them...Ben doesn't look thrilled, and Jim was a lot more interested in what was inside his Mr. Potato Head...
Jim was cracking me up the other night.  He likes to put his blanket over his head and walk around.  I have yet to figure out how he can tell where he's going - but it's pretty funny to see him walking around like that...
Ben just hanging out...
Jim came walking into the family room like this, telling me that his train broke, and he needed me to fix it.  He loves taking it apart...
I think this is the first Uncle shirt I've come across - and had to get it for Ben!  They only went up to 24 months - or I would have gotten one for Jim as well!  We all know how Jim feels about his Uncle Robbie :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Our week - Just the 3 of us...

Well Jim, Ben, and myself survived our first week as just the three of us!  (We sure did miss having family around though..)

We didn't do much on Monday as we had an electrician coming to do some work in our patio that Mark has been working on.  It is my goal to get out and take the boys for a walk everyday - so we did do that when he was finished up!  And of course there was lots of outside time!
Tuesday morning we went into Old Town to see if we could get a view of Space Shuttle Discovery.  It was flying from FL to the museum at Dulles Airport.  We sure did get a pretty good view of it!  It actually flew by twice.  Not sure if it made a third trip or not, but Jim was getting bored of sitting in his stroller, so we took off. 
Tuesday afternoon we made our way up to Maryland to meet up with Nicole.  We went to a lake near her house to go for a little walk.  Jim enjoyed getting out of his stroller and walking on his own.  The entire drive home he was talking about 'Cole' and her dog Poppy! 

Here are the pictures I caught on camera of Ben smiling.  He smiles a ton now!  It's great!  I sit there and talk to him and he's all smiles back at me :)

Wednesday morning Finn & Maggie came over.  It was good hanging out with them.  And again, once they left, Jim kept talking about his friend Finn...and how they played with the toys together.

Thursday and Friday we really didn't have anything planned.  I did run to the bank and Target on Thursday...and to the grocery store on Friday.  I am learning that you need to run out of the house for something, or I think we'll all go crazy staying home all day.  The weather was gorgeous all week, so we had lots of fun playing outside!

It seems like one of our morning routines is to get in some tummy time for Ben.  And Jim is always there with him either helping him out, or working on his own tummy time :)
I was a pretty happy mommy when I got both the boys to take a nap at the same time.  And they were both napping in their beds!!!! 

I would say we had a great first week home together!!!  Both boys were very well behaved - which made things a lot easier :)  We were very happy when Friday rolled along knowing that we got to hang out with Mark all weekend!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grandma & Papa Visit!

Last week was Grandma & Papa's week to be here with Ben & Jim.  And what a great time we had with them!  They drove down with Allison on Friday - and hen took off Friday around lunch time to head back north.  They were lucky and were here for Jim's actual birthday.  There was lots of singing Happy Birthday!  Grandma did a good job teaching Jim how to sing it...I think Jim wore Papa out with all the running around they did together outside!  Their visit ended with some smiles from Ben!!!!  Thank you very much for all you did to help us out!!!!  We miss you!

Easter Eggs...

Over Easter weekend, Jim got to have some fun painting Easter eggs for his first time, as well as decorating Easter cookies.  We all had a good time helping him out!  And of course Ben partook as well :)  I think it's safe to say that everyone had a great time!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Weeks!!!

Happy 5 weeks Ben!!!  (since I am now just getting around to it, it's more like 5.5 weeks...)  It's hard to believe that 5 weeks ago we were on our way to the hospital to meet you.  What a great 5 weeks it has been!  You continue to be a great baby!  Diaper changes have gotten a lot better!  You no longer scream when we are changing you.  You continue to be a great sleeper.  The past three nights you went down around 9:00 (I wonder what time you actually fall asleep...when I go in to check in on you around 9:30 or so you are laying there awake still...but I never hear a noise out of you...) and you've woken up around 4:00.  I am enjoying a 7 hour stretch of sleep! 

You are smiling a lot more!  And are always putting a smile on my face.  I love that I can sit there and talk to you and you will smile back at me.  Melts my heart :)  I did capture your smiles on camera last night - but I don't have them on the comptuer yet, so I will update that later. 

I remembered what Jim was wearing (I was recently looking back at his pictures...) for his 5 week picture, and had to put Ben in the same.  So here are both my boys at 5 weeks...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Huggies & Bubbles

The other day I was at the grocery store and walked by huggies - and had to buy some for everyone!  Everytime we would go visit Papa & Grandma, they would have huggies in their back fridge.  It brought back memories of that!  To think when we were younger, we loved them!  I couldn't finish mine, it was way too sweet for me.  But Jim seemed to love them!!!

Kat got some awesome bubbles for Jim's birthday!  I think we all had fun sitting outside blowing these mega-bubbles!