

Thursday, April 12, 2012


My little boy - how is it that you are two today?  Where have the past two years gone?!?!  It is amazing how fast time goes.  But it's also amazing how much you have grown and changed in the past two years.  My little prince charming - we love you so much!  You bring so much joy and happiness in our lives!!!!

Here are a couple of pictures of the birthday boy --

Enjoying a morning birthday cookie!!!
 Guess you aren't too old to use the swing --
 Opening your birthday presents!!!
What you are up to at two years old:

- You are talking more and more everyday!  It always amazes me at what you pick up.  You pretty much repeat everything we say, so we have to be careful with that! 

- You still LOVE being outside.  When it's time to come inside you are usually in tears saying 'outside, outside'.

- You love anything and everything to do with trucks.  Especially garbage trucks.  I'm not sure if I've ever met a little boy that gets so excited to see a garbage truck! 

- You can name pretty much every piece of construction equipment.  I love how excited you get when we drive by an excavator, or a steam roller - and you tell us all about it.

- Love the little silly faces you make.  And how big your eyes get! 

- You love your grandparents, and all your aunts and uncles!  You've enjoyed spending lots of time with them this past month. 

- You make a WONDERFUL big brother!!  I love seeing how great you are with Ben.  It's been such an easy transition for you.

- Still an awesome sleeper - now sleeping in your big boy bed.  You go down around 9:00, and have been waking up around 7:00. 

- You love to eat pretty much anything and everything.  Some days you decide you don't want to eat anything for lunch, and other days its dinner...and then there are the days where you eat everything in front of you.

- (I started this post on your birthday - and am finishing it up today the 12th)  You had your 2 year check-up today - and had a very clean bill of health!!

- 2 year stats:  Height - 35" - 75th percentile...Weight - 30.5 lbs - 87th percentile.  Sounds like a pretty healthy boy to me!

- Wear size 5 diapers...size 7 or 8 shoes...and 24 month clothes are starting to get small, and depending on the brand, you wear 2T and 3T.

- Not interested in going to the potty just yet.  I didn't want to push it with the arrival of your baby brother.  I'm sure after some time you will start to show interest!

- You were going through a hitting phase - if you got mad at something, you would hit it, whether it be your mom or dad...or the floor...or your toys.  You haven't done it in awhile, so hopefully that phase is over.

We are looking forward to watching you grow and change, and can't wait to see what the year #3 brings us!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love my precious grandson. He is really a gift from God which I am so thankful for. I am also so grateful for the time I can spend with him. He is a joy in our grandma xoxoxox
