

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Weeks!!!

Happy 5 weeks Ben!!!  (since I am now just getting around to it, it's more like 5.5 weeks...)  It's hard to believe that 5 weeks ago we were on our way to the hospital to meet you.  What a great 5 weeks it has been!  You continue to be a great baby!  Diaper changes have gotten a lot better!  You no longer scream when we are changing you.  You continue to be a great sleeper.  The past three nights you went down around 9:00 (I wonder what time you actually fall asleep...when I go in to check in on you around 9:30 or so you are laying there awake still...but I never hear a noise out of you...) and you've woken up around 4:00.  I am enjoying a 7 hour stretch of sleep! 

You are smiling a lot more!  And are always putting a smile on my face.  I love that I can sit there and talk to you and you will smile back at me.  Melts my heart :)  I did capture your smiles on camera last night - but I don't have them on the comptuer yet, so I will update that later. 

I remembered what Jim was wearing (I was recently looking back at his pictures...) for his 5 week picture, and had to put Ben in the same.  So here are both my boys at 5 weeks...

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