

Monday, April 2, 2012

3 Weeks Old!

Ben is 3 weeks!  How is that already?  Time flies.  I'm sure I say that every time I update this.  All has been wonderful though!  Ben is such a GREAT baby!  We are so incredibly lucky.  Jim was such an easy baby - everyone said that number 2 was going to be the opposite.  I was prepared for the worst - but there was no need to do that.  Both Jim & Ben have been really easy babies!  (Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon here!) 

We went back to the doctor on Friday, and Ben was 8lbs. 14ozs.  Just an ounce shy of his birth weight, but the doctor wasn't worried about that.  He was 8lbs. 8ozs on Monday when we went in, so she was happy that he was gaining weight.  Nothing to have worried about. 

Ben has a really strong neck.  If you're holding him on your shoulder, he'll pull his head up and look all around.  He's a fan of tummy time, and will move his head around. 

His umbilical cord fell off last Monday.  I was pretty lazy during the week - and we didn't give him his first real bath until Saturday.  He didn't love it, but at the same time he didn't hate it.  I forgot about giving a newborn a bath.  He likes to wiggle all over the place, which makes it tough to hold onto a wet moving baby.  But between Mark & I, we got him clean. 

Sunday Ashley and I went shopping at the Gap with Ben, and I carried him in the baby carrier - he was a big fan of that!  And was a big hit to all the shoppers there.  Everyone was looking at him and commenting about how he was such a little baby. 

He's eating about every 3 hours.  And is sleeping very good.  He goes down after I feed him one last time around 9:00.  There's been a couple of nights where he'll sleep through the night, waking up around 5:00 or so.  But then there are other nights when he goes down around 9, and then wakes up around 1 and again at 5.  I'm one happy mommy though - he wakes up, I feed him and then we both go right back to sleep!

I'm keeping up with the weekly pictures.  Will probably do this for the first 2 months, and then just switch to monthly pictures. 

Jim even wanted in on the 3 week picture.  We couldn't get him to put his milk down though...

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