

Friday, April 13, 2012

1 month old

We have a one month old!  One month ago Benjamin you entered the world - and what a great month it has been!  You are such a wonderful baby - we definitely got blessed with two great boys!  It makes for one happy and proud mom and dad :)  We love you so much Ben!!!

- You are a wonderful sleeper!  We put you down in your crib around 9:00 - usually you are awake - and you fall asleep with no problems!  You aren't on any pattern of when you wake up - sometimes you make it until 4:00, other times it's 1:00.  Lately when you wake up around 1 or so, I go in and give you your binky, and you fall back asleep for an hour or two.

- You are a wonderful eater.  You eat about every three hours or so during the day.  We haven't had any problems with that!

- You sure do know how to burp and fart.  Sometimes we aren't sure if it's you that just passed gas, or one of the adults in the room - they are that strong. 

- I love your sleeping smiles!  They are the best.  And you just started smiling at us!  It's great - it sure can put a smile on anyones face.  I never have my real camera around me when you are smiling - I know I'll capture it on camera soon. 

- You had your one month check-up on Thursday - and all was well!  Just like your big brother, the doctor kept commenting on how good you looked. 

- Your one month stats - Head - 15.5" - 97th percentile...Height - 22.5" - 91st percentile...Weight - 9 pounds, 15 ounces - 48th percentile.  A tall skinny boy!!

- You have been very lucky - you got to spend your first month surrounded by family that loves you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Another gift from God for us to love. He is so precious and we love every minute we get to spend with him. I love that he was smiling at us before we left--what a great memory we come home with. Wish we could be with him all the time...Hugs and Kisses Grandma xoxox
